One (1) section of a barn (hereinafter referred to as Barn X) used for rearing ducks was reported to have collapsed. Prior to the alleged incident, the weather near the premises was reported to be windy and drizzling but no heavy rain.
Based on the assessment of the structural integrity and historical weather, the failure of the structure of Barn X was not caused by the alleged windstorm incident.
Barn X had sustained progressive organic consumption and weathering throughout the years, partially collapsed as triggered by the movement of the ducks within the barn. The lack of more supporting columns along the north of the partially-collapsed section to offset the concentration of stress also portrayed an important role to the structural failure.
The destruction, radical conversion, or disappearance of a building material by any one of a variety of processes or organisms that consume the material, including fire, termites, beetles, worms, enzymes, rodents, fungi, microbial corrosion, decay, and bacterial fermentation.
Degradation due to exposure to the weather.