With Hari Raya AidilFitri just around the corner, the festive mood is in the air as many excitedly anticipate this joyous day. However, we still need to keep in mind the ongoing pandemic and strictly follow the SOP wherever we go. This year, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has not made any announcements yet regarding lifting the travel ban to facilitate ‘balik kampung’. While celebrating the festivities with our loved ones is a priority, let’s not be complacent and forget about our duties to help curb the spread of Covid-19.
It is inevitable that the increased contact and exposure to crowds will have some effect on the local Covid-19 cases. As we go out and mingle with others in great numbers, the risks of contracting the virus increases as well. The MOH has not removed the travel ban yet, but if they do, it may impact the number of cases negatively.
One of the ways to ensure our surroundings are clean and safe is to carry out regular disinfection, especially after large gatherings. Approved Group International (AGI) has partnered with TOMI Environmental Solutions, Inc.’s Asian representative, L3M International to bring you SteraMist, the forefront sterilization and decontamination system. It is designed to be used in all types of buildings, homes, medical centres, hospitals, child-care centres, and all other surfaces, providing maximum efficiency with immediate kill on contact.

What makes SteraMist different from the rest?
Using technology that was invented for the U.S Department of Defense, TOMI utilizes its premier Binary Ionization Technology (BIT) to produce an effective, germ-killing aerosol. With Hydrogen peroxide at 7.8% as the sole active ingredient, it achieves a remarkable 99.9999% reduction of most pathogens and virus which include Ebola, MERS, C. diff spores, Sepsis, Norovirus, Anthrax, Staphylococcus, MRSA, Legionnaire’s, Zika and the Coronavirus of all variants.
Unlike other companies that solely rely on hydrogen peroxide (H202) to disinfect, SteraMist’s patented two-step process activates and ionizes the H202 into ionized Hydrogen peroxide (iHP). iHP contains a high concentration of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which consists of hydroxyl radicals (OH), one of the most powerful oxidizing agents in nature. OH kills bacteria, fungal spores and inactivates viral cells by destroying their proteins, carbohydrates and lipids in record time allowing for quick sterilization of spaces.
In a recent study, SteraMist ionized Hydrogen peroxide was tested on four 3D-printed materials used in healthcare. A single application of iHP inactivated all the viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 without affecting the material’s integrity. Another study showed that N95 masks sterilised using the iHP techonology retained their function up to five cycles, the most number tested to date.
Lethal to virus and bacteria, but completely harmless to humans. A room that has been sprayed with SteraMist is safe to enter within minutes after the mist has been applied. Additionally, it is equally effective against various food borne illness such as E. coli and salmonella making it one of the world’s safest natural steriliser.
Interested in reading up more on the SteraMist and all that it has to offer? Check out our detailed write-up on this exceptional product at https://www.approvedgroupinternational.com/tomi-steramist-the-universal-disinfection-solution-for-a-safer-world/.
This Raya, let AGI help you in creating the perfect, worry-free environment for you and your loved ones. Bringing international-standard sterilization to our shores, we are fully committed to ensuring that all commercial structures are protected in an effort to curb the spread of the deadly Covid-19.
Interested in our top disinfection protection service? Get in touch with us today!